Saturday, April 27, 2019

Serpula Lacrymans Mold

Serpula Lacrymans comes as a red mold. This mold can grow in different household materials not limited to furniture, floorboards, walls and wooden surfaces.

It shows how severe it can be. For that reason, it has to be gotten rid as soon as possible. If that is not the case then be sure to incur several losses in your house.

This mold has become more of a nuisance to various households. This is due to the many health effects and house damages that Serpula Lacrymans is capable of doing.

Precautionary measures have to be undertaken to ensure that it does not end up becoming a disaster. Below are some of the negative effects that are caused by it.

Health effects

Just like other many molds, Serpula Lacrymans has its fair share of health problems that it can cause. The health issues can be experienced not only by the young but also the elderly. The notable health problems alter either one’s immune system or respiratory system. These problems can also extend to pets existing in your house.

Honestly speaking, nobody is spared.

The following are some of the health effects:

• Asthma

Asthma is no child’s play. It robs you the comfort you need when it comes to breathing. Furthermore, it is accompanied by pain that will make breathing even unbearable. Asthma can be caused by Serpula Lacrymans. The mold irritates the bronchioles lining and lung airways hence causing asthma.

• Hypersensitivity pneumonitis

This disease is associated with lung inflammation. It results from inhaling Serpula Lacrymans and other dangerous substances such as chemicals and dust. These substances will cause allergic reactions that will lead to Hypersensitivity pneumonitis. The lungs will become susceptible to Pulmonary fibrosis, which leads to breathing difficulties.

• Other respiratory diseases

Serpula Lacrymans can cause other respiratory diseases such as pneumonia, bronchitis, and sinusitis.

It is very important to take the necessary treatment measures when you suspect any respiratory problems. There are reliable signs and symptoms that will inform you that indeed you have respiratory problems.

Seek immediate treatment to establish the cause of the problem. You never know, maybe it might have been caused by Serpula Lacrymans. The doctor will give you the needed treatment to ensure your respiratory system is restored.

Home Damages

Your home will not be spared once it has been infested with Serpula Lacrymans. This type of mold causes dry rot that is very harsh on the house. It easily destroys the wood making it rot or decompose at a very high rate. Definitely, this will minimize the aesthetic value of your house. The rot has to be gotten rid of with immediate effect.

It is very destructive. It is so destructive that it can cause serious damages to your masonry. You have to engage in thorough inspections to get rid of any rot that might take place in your house. This is a perfect remedy for putting the Serpula Lacrymans effects away from your house. You should be willing to remove any mold that is around your house with immediate effect.

How to remove Serpula Lacrymans

No doubt, it has some dire effects both on your house and health. This means it has to be dealt with as soon as possible. The process of getting rid of this mold should be undertaken with a lot of precision.

You can call a professional to help you out with the whole process of removing molds from your house. A professional will really come in handy if you have respiratory problems. This is because you expose yourself to further serious health problems if you choose to handle mold removal on your own.


It is high time everyone really cared about what is around them. This is very important to ensure you not only keep yourself safe but also your household.

A lot of people disregard this important aspect hence end up picking some serious diseases. Fungi and molds are some of the unwanted plants that are accompanied by severe diseases. For instance, Serpula Lacrymans can be located almost at every part of your house.

This is a very heartbreaking realization that shows how close people are to diseases. Hygiene is very important in ensuring you don’t experience the negative effects of Serpula Lacrymans. Always ensure you do not allow any mold growing anywhere in your house to see the light of the day.

See Full Article Here: Serpula Lacrymans Mold

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