Monday, May 14, 2018

Spotting Mold: Common Signs Of Mold Formations To Be Aware Of

Signs of Mold Infestation: Be Aware

Mold spores exist everywhere, but you cannot see them because they are microscopic. However, it is easy to spot ideal locations from where these spores can grow long before they create colonies that are large enough to be seen.

Mold can grow well at 60 degrees to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature range can be found in most homes because this is also comfortable for humans. Biodegradable materials such as wood, wallpaper, and cardboard are sufficient nutrient sources that they use to grow.

The presence of moisture is the third condition necessary for the growth of mold. Damp surfaces, as well as high humidity with the absence of proper ventilation, provide ideal places for mold to thrive.

Aside from these, here are other signs that can alert you to the presence of mold:


One of the simplest signs is the smell of mold. Mold found outside on window sills will smell stale, while mold found indoors underneath sinks will smell musty and damp. The odor should not be ignored, and it should not be covered with air fresheners because health problems could arise as the mold continues to grow.

Visible Growth

Another sign that you can easily spot is the visible growth of mold. This visible part of the mold is the mycelia and may be black, white, in different shades of green, blue, yellow, gray or in different color combinations.

Sometimes it will be hard to recognize that there is mold especially if the growth lacks aerial mycelia and has a fine texture with the same coloration as the surface it is in. You must be able to distinguish mold from dirt, stains, or other simple discolorations.

There are times that the stain or discoloration of the surface comes from the enzymes created by the mold to break down the material for easy absorption or from pigmented compounds that stain the surface.

What looks like dirt could also be inactive mold which is dry and powdery. This material, when left alone, subsequently disintegrates and becomes airborne, scattering the spores further.

When visually inspecting for the growth of mold, make sure you are not mistaking efflorescence for mold. This is white powder created when salts and minerals leach out of concrete basements or walls. This may look like mold and can also be found in areas with mold but you can test it by putting the powder in water. Since this is composed of minerals, the powder will dissolve in water, unlike mold.

Water Stains On Walls, Floors Or Ceilings

Water leaks from pipes or from the roof increase the humidity in the area where the water will accumulate which creates an environment suitable for the growth of mold.

Water intrusion from a backed up sewer line or floodwater from the outside will also cause the growth of mold if not spotted early and cleaned properly.

If the house has been in a flood, there is a high chance that there will be a growth of mold but this will be hard to discover because it is usually hidden in areas like basements or underneath the floor.


Sweating” windows and rusting metal pipes indicate condensation. Mold thrives in the areas where the water from the condensation accumulates.

This condensation also means that there is a relatively high ambient humidity which is a sign that the whole household can provide ideal conditions for mold to grow.

Damaged Surfaces

Walls that are bowed, bulging, or warped indicate increased moisture content in the material. As stated above, this is an ideal condition for mold growth.

Peeling or curling of vinyl floors, wallpaper, or paint may also indicate water problems, but this structural damage may also be caused by mold that is growing on the surface, or even underneath it.

Unaccountable Health Problems

The presence of mold can also lead to health problems with unknown causes. These may be simple allergic reactions like sneezing, sore eyes, and runny nose but this can also lead to more serious issues like mental impairment, tiredness, nausea, and immune system suppression.

There is no cure for these mycotoxins, but once the mold is removed from the building, the body will begin to recover and the symptoms will start disappearing.

It is important that the mold problem is addressed when signs are recognized. When mold continues to propagate, it will be harder for you to tackle the problem by yourself, and you may need the services of mold remediation companies. The professional help can be quite expensive, reaching up to $30,000 for severe, widespread structural damage, as what CostFigures have quoted.

See Full Article Here: Spotting Mold: Common Signs Of Mold Formations To Be Aware Of

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