Thursday, September 13, 2018

How To Remove Mold from Your Grout

Remove Mold from Your Grout

Mold appearing on your grout is something normal. Despite that being the case, you should not live with mold all through. Mold is a fungus that mostly dwells in moist areas like bathrooms. Its spores are ever floating.

Such a feature allows them to easily start growing in any moist areas in and around your house. Grout is highly susceptible to mold due to its porous nature. This means, it easily takes in water making it a perfect habitat for mold.

Mold is capable of initiating some serious consequences to your health. It is bound to initiate allergies due to the production of irritants and allergens. Furthermore, it causes a wide variety of symptoms like:

• Throat and lung irritation
• Running nose
• Itching eyes
• Rashes
• Sneezing


Due to those side effects, it is better when the mold is gotten rid of as early as possible. Fortunately, there is a number of ways through which you can deal with mold. These methods present the various products you need in getting rid of mold. Below are some of the products you can use.


Using Bleach to Remove Grout Mold

The most popular bleaching agent used is Chlorine Bleach. It is easier to use and you will not require a professional to guide when cleaning. Not only does it eradicate mold spores, but also sterilizes the affected area.

Chlorine bleach gets rid of the remaining soap residues found on tiles. Actually, this residue tremendously contributes to the growth of molds.

However, for efficient results, you will need to follow the due process. Below are the steps you have to follow when using a bleaching agent to remove mold:

• Mix chlorine bleach with water and put the mixture inside a spray bottle.
• Using a spray bottle spray the area infested with molds
• Then clean up using cool and clean water.
• Retake the process when necessary.


Bleaching is evident through discoloration and fading. This means it ought not to be used on colored grout. The outcome will be the discoloring of your amazing grout.

Fumes emanating from chlorine bleach might irritate your eyes, respiratory tract, and skin. You will be required to put on preventive gears to protect you from the dire effects of bleach.

Some of the protective gear you will need is safety glasses, rubber gloves, and a mask. Also, ensure the house is well ventilated while removing the grout. You can open your doors and windows to ensure free circulation of air inside the hours. It helps in equalizing the irritating fumes by bringing in fresh air that will not harm you.


Mold Removal Using Vinegar 

First things first, Vinegar is an all-natural cleaning agent. Secondly, it is easier to use when it comes to removing that grout around your bathroom. Vinegar has suitable ingredients which will initiate a smooth cleaning process. It is acidic in nature, hence creating an environment which inhibits the growth of bacteria. That means it will get rid of any necessary conditions which support the growth of molds.


• Mix similar amounts water and distilled white vinegar and pour the mixture into a spray bottle.
• Then evenly spray the affected areas.
• Wait for a half an hour before scrubbing the sprayed area using a bristle brush
• Rinse the area using clear water

While cleaning keep your windows open for proper air circulation. Ventilation also gets rid of the strong smell emanating from Vinegar. However, in the wake of too much mold, vinegar will not work out.


Using Hydrogen Peroxide

Another product that will give you overwhelming results when it comes to eradicating molds. In fact, it is considered as the most effective whitening agent. It comes in handy when other mold removal agents fail to live up to their potential.

Just like other cleaning agents, there are systematic steps you need to take. These guidelines prevent any costly mistakes during the cleaning process. For instance, mixing wrongly can bring bad results. Once you have the hydrogen peroxide you will need to follow these steps:

• Make a mixture of white flour and hydrogen peroxide. The result is a very thick paste.
• Start applying this paste on the affected area, and allow it to work throughout the night.
• Rinse with clean water and marvel at your well-cleaned grout.



In as much you are interested in getting rid of mold from your grout, safety is very important. Remember some of these chemicals if not all are capable of causing some dire health conditions. So, it is up to you to take the necessary precautions when you kickstart your cleaning and also after. Here are the vital precautions:

Put on the required gear

Some of these products for instance chlorine bleach emit poisonous fumes that are harmful to your body and health.


Ensure your windows and doors are open to allow air circulation. Doing so will prevent you from inhaling these poisonous gases.

Keep the cleaning agents far from children

Children are so petty and cheeky. They will play with anything they come around if not trying to drink chemicals they come across. Putting these cleaning agents near in open places is dangerous.

Follow instructions

The cleaning agent you pick on is accompanied by instructions. These are guidelines you are expected to follow while removing mold from your grout.

Proper disposal of the products

Once all the cleaning agents have been used, the next thing is to dispose of. Cans and other items holding these chemicals need to be disposed of with care. Avoid burning them, since others are very flammable and might cause accidents.


Mold has an adverse impact on the appearance of your house. It distorts the aesthetic value of the affected areas especially the moist grout. Since grout is porous, it is capable of taking in water needed in the germination of molds.

However, there are reliable methods that will help you in removing mold from your house. These methods involve the use of various products. The products are in form of cleaning accompanied by features which will ensure smooth eradication of mold.

Make sure you follow the necessary precautions to not only achieve a successful cleaning process but also to avoid succumbing to the side effects of cleaning agents.

Read full article Here: How To Remove Mold from Your Grout

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